Sunday, July 24, 2011


Dear Paper
Since when I learnt to write
I found a companion in you
A life time best buddy
A witness of 21 years of my life

A friend who always stands by my side
Unlike those who just leave their foot-prints behind

You have been an integral part of me
You have shared my
happiness and blues
strengths and weaknesses
puerility and maturity
weirdness and sobriety

I never see you whining about
when I brutally slaughter you down
in the face of my bleeding agony
when I play a pyromaniac to you
out of my frustration

You are a keen listener
A beholder of tenacious memory

You portray a safe to all my secrets
a perceiver to my regrets
a tissue to my melancholic tears
an admonisher to my mistakes

You treasure my weirdest possible fantasies
You endure my insane thoughts
my nasty anger

And above all
You accept me the way I am
all my sides
without complaints
without any expectations

Thank you so much dear
for playing an ideal friend to me!! :D

Thursday, June 23, 2011


Emerging as a new dawn
A new me is being born

Sordid ghosts of past have vanished
Evil monsters of despair have succumbed to ashes

Crimson regrets have discolored in the urge of salvation
Devastating agony is now gasping for its last breaths

Intoxicating depression has lost itself to blissful solace
Dreadful fears are digging their graves

Atrocities of hurt are crying the tears of their demolish
Hostile pranks played by misery no more exist

Long gone nightingale of serenity has returned back
Singing to me the symphony of eternal peace

Its an awakening
A welcome to heartfelt smile
An invitation to sparkling contented eyes
A call of my profound inner voice
Screaming out loud to me

Thursday, May 12, 2011

The Shining Shadow

Engrossed in the depths of oracular realities
I always wonder how peculiar are the apprehensions that persist
At times my journey is ruled  by certain adversities
But optimistic hopes always foster my fantasies
Though my firm beliefs fill remorseful darkness with glitter
Delusion overpowers me however
A part of me represents the epitome of contentment
That carries sparlkling halo of Angel of Enlightenment
But another part of me is intensely obscure
Opposing all the positivity that ever endure
I am like a bright shade that originates from sunlight
I am like those luminous tides soaring high on full moon night
At once I am like wavering restless flame
That fights with harsh wind to exist and accomplish its aim
And other time I am like a Blossom, so enticing, so lovely
Still carrying its fragrant beauty though its essence flied away by a Bee
I portray that calm night that lays the foundation of horizon's glow
Thats Why indeed i am THE SHINING SHADOW..............................

Saturday, May 07, 2011

Priceless Treasures

Leaving the ultimate veracities of life behind
everyone just focus on what next is to unwind

Those elusive treasures that disappear somewhere on the run
they appear surprisingly before us bringing so much of fun

Many strange incidents happen in our day-to-day encounters
that refresh those mysterious feelings retrieving new pleasures

A feeling when you give your childhood pictures a glance
& deeply desire to witness those golden days again by chance

A feeling when yourheart is filled with heavy grief
& your best buddy cuddles you up & grants you deep relief

A feeling when you stare at a newly born, a cute little angel in surprise
& the magic that engulfs you with a broad gleaming smile & delight

A feeling when you are stressed out and low
& your crazy bunch of pals around cracking the most idiotic jokes to make you laugh somehow

A feeling when you plan some surprise for your loved 1
& your heart fills with warmth while predicting the lovely reaction in return

A feeling when you get nervous because of some challenge before
& suddenly your father's words strike your mind saying, "Just slog your guts out my child & victory will be ensured"

A feeling when loneliness seems to be the most wonderful companion while sitting in a dark room
& some heart warming music makes you fly to your dream world, spreading a melodious magic all around

A feeling when you find a broken wrist watch lying in some corner of your wardrobe
& your eyes overflow because it reminds you that very close one who dont exist anymore

A feeling when you take a lonely walk on your terrace in the middle of a calm cloudy night
& suddenly a strong blow of wind strikes your face making you presume that everything is just so right

So what??
So what if life goes so fast bounding you with numerous greedy endeavours
But still such mysterious feelings make you realise that each coming day has its lap full of such priceless hidden treasures...................................

Sunday, May 01, 2011

Fears From The Past

SO many good wishes and tremendous hopes marked the beginning of year 2009       
My life was deeply filled by the beautiful colours laid in by December 2008 and I was on cloud no. 9

There was love and happiness all around
And poor myself completely unknown to what is my life going to turn about?

Slowly slowly as the time moves on and on
Blossom of the flowers started fading away and bright sunshine set on the way back to the coldness at dawn.

Finally the illusion I was living in came to a halt
When the people whom I loved from the core of my heart drifted me apart

I was left all alone in the dark
Wandering lonely in the maze to search out what I did wrong?

I was pushed into the depths of solitude
Time was turning out more and more rude

But little left solitaire was still hounding me
Though life was becoming worst than it had ever been

After long terrible nights I found out little sunshine
And after a series of jolts, my drowning ship found steady waves to sail upon

By the passage of time I stepped out of that dark maze
And gradually learnt the art of pretendence though I was in haze

Slowly I absorbed myself in daily life
And hid that hurted soul under a fake smile

Life is to move on, so did I
Accepted the truth and led my tears dry

But now December has fallen again my way
I don't want to recall anything, but I am in dismay

Because whenever I feel happy and be carefree
I find those FEARS FROM THE PAST sitting by my side laughing loudly at me

Whatever I do, where ever I go
I found them following me like my shadow

And now they are getting on my nerves
I am desperate to overcome all my fears

I want to start a new era of life with a welcoming cast
BUT I dont know myself

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Divine Illumination

Life goes on and on
As it passes by, our desires grow high and high
We never are contented with what we really possess
And we keep on trying to get rid of all our longings in heavy distress
I too was never contented,never satisfied with what I had got
But my fiction about the moment that I have achieved all my desires faded all the
negative thoughts
Visualisation of that pleasure turned me out as completely insane
I ran days and nights,tried every damn thing to conquer my wants, but all in vain
These bloddy longings kept on haunting me every moment
& bereaved me of peace of mind
I blamed Mr. Almighty, why is it me?
Why is it me always who has to bear defeat? 
Why is it me always who is so unlucky??? 
In distress, I stepped into the street
Where I saw a little orphan without feet
And the pityful sight rolled the tears out of my eyes
When I saw that he was polishing the shoes of passers-by
I approached him and asked with a heavy heart "Why are you doing this chap???"
He grinned "I am making the world realize the worth of what they have??"
His words just sucked all my blues out of me
And I realized how much blessed I have been
I apologised and thanked Mr. Almighty for bestowing his divine illumination on me
I cuddled up that little angel for teaching me this divine lesson
And that moment filled my life with exaltation forevor and ever...........